Full Title Services
Professional Closing, Inc., is a full Title and Escrow Company. Our title services include a Full Title Search on subject property. The search will include the following:
1. Chain of Title and Property Search
2. Tax Search
3. Judgment and Name Search
4. Utility and Code Enforcement Search.
When these searches have been completed, we issue a synopsis of their findings in a document called the "Title Commitment". The title commitment is a contract to insure, stating the conditions under which it will insure the title. The buyer, the seller and the mortgage lender can proceed with the closing of the transaction after clearing up and defects in the title, which may have been uncovered by the search and examination.
Residential and Commercial Closings
We will make sure the property is free and clear of all liens and schedule a closing time that works for you and your Client. We are Open to Close and will close a time and place that is convenient to you and your client. We offer the flexibility of in office closings as well as traveling to your client, whether it be your office or their home.
We will make sure the property is free and clear of all liens and schedule a closing time that works for you and your Client. We are Open to Close and will close a time and place that is convenient to you and your client. We offer in office closings as well as traveling to your client, whether it be your office or their home.
Reverse Mortgage
Professional Closing Inc., will make sure you understand precisely what you are getting when closing a reverse mortgage.
We want to educate and make sure the borrower understands the reverse mortgage documents and what the benefit of having reverse mortgage means to them.
Short Sales
To close on a short sale of real estate, the seller's lender must approve the sale, which may take months. Typically, lenders approving their sellers' short sales supply an approval letter with detailed closing instructions to the properties' buyers. After lenders approve their sellers' short sales, the buyers must closely follow the instructions of the lenders. Also, lenders approving their borrowers' short sales expect the sellers and buyers to close as quickly as possible.
Notary Services
Professional Closing, Inc., has a full staff that are Public Notaries.. A Notary is a public officer constituted by law to serve the public in non-contentious matters usually concerned with estates, deeds, powers-of-attorney, and foreign and international business. A notary's main functions are to administer oaths and affirmations, take affidavits and statutory declarations, witness and authenticate the execution of certain classes of documents, take acknowledgments of deeds and other conveyances.
At Professional Closing we understand closing on a foreclosed property is a tedious and time consuming task. You can be assured that our staff will take the necessary steps to insure a smooth Closing process.